Digitalizing Danish Driver’s License Theory Tests









The Danish Road Safety Agency (Færdselsstyrelsen) needed a solution to digitize their theory exams for driver’s licenses in Denmark. Trifork, also providing the same solution in the Netherlands at the CBR, proved to be an ideal fit for Denmark. Collaborating closely with the customer, Trifork used it’s standard digital assessment product as core system and designed and developed integrations with the existing booking system and backoffice infrastructure.

Trifork played a pivotal role by implementing their standard product with custom features tailored to meet the specific needs of the Danish market. Leveraging their expertise, Trifork ensured a seamless transition to digital assessments.

“Digitalization is a natural part of our mindset. The digital theory test exemplifies how we can create a more flexible, efficient, and secure solution. Trifork’s collaboration has resulted in a robust system that enhances the student experience.”

Brian Paust Nielsen

Deputy Director (Driving License Area), Danish Road Safety Agency

What we delivered

  • Full Digital Assessment System:
    The primary goal was to deliver a comprehensive digital assessment platform for the customer.
    Using our assessment products we delivered the systems to create, manage and deliver the exams.
    For supervisors of the exam a monitoring tool is available that enables them to control the sessions and comment on them.
    If needed, the exams can be reviewed afterwards.
  • Customization:
    This case study showcases Trifork’s ability to adapt their standard assessment solution to the unique requirements of Færdselsstyrelsen.
    With the help from our partner Duckwise, the system is tailored to the house style and preferences of the customer.
    Integrations were built to the online booking system that was already in place and to the backoffice systems in use for analytics and communication.
    These integrations were delivered by our Trifork Esbjerg office in close cooperation with Trifork Amsterdam
  • Successful Delivery:
    Trifork successfully delivered a robust system of high quality. And all this within 6 months from signature to production!


Notable Statistics

  • Annual Theory Exams: 200,000+ theory exams are conducted each year using the digital platform.
  • Implementation Timeline: The entire development process took just 6 months in the second half of 2023. Early in 2024 the first 15 testing locations went live. In 2025 all test locations will be able to use the digital theory exams.

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