Enabling the “DOE-toets” Assessments for the Dutch Primary Education



Stichting Cito






In 2022 the Dutch government acknowledged the need to introduce a new and improved high-stake assessment method for students in their last year of primary education, called the “Doorstroomtoets”. With the new “Doorstoomtoets” assessment method, all the students have an equal chance of getting a place at the secondary school of their preference and more specifically, at the level that suits them best.

Stichting Cito was asked to implement the “Doorstroomtoets” assessment method for schools and created a project to start working on building their version of the “Doorstroomtoets” assessment: the “DOE-toets” assessment. 

The Problem

Stichting Cito had to create a full paper and digital “DOE-toets” assessment in a short time. For the delivery of the digital assessments, Stichting Cito partnered with Trifork. As the trusted digital assessment provider of Cito for over 10 years, Stichting Cito asked Trifork to implement the Trifork Assessment Delivery Engine called “Trifork Player” for the digital delivery of the high-stake “DOE-toets” assessment.

“Being able to build upon our longstanding relationship with Trifork to develop a new theme for the assessment player was an important part of the successful launch of our DOE-toets assessment. Our collaboration in finding innovative ways towards an accessible assessment environment helped us to take the next step in e-assessment.”

Saskia Wools

CEO and Chair of the Board of Directors, Cito

The Solution

The education team of Trifork developed a new inclusive and most importantly, accessible theme for the Trifork Player. This theme enables several new Trifork Player features to help as many students as possible to play the digital “DOE-toets” assessment. Several accessibility tools are included in this theme like text-to-speech, magnification, high contrast, preparations for braille reading, and so on.

The Trifork Player itself was upgraded to QTI 3.0 which is the newest worldwide standard for packaging and moving tests and questions from one application to another. At the end of the project, the Trifork Player was successfully certified by 1EdTech for Question & Test Interoperability (QTI)® 3.0, for meeting the standard that allows educators to take full advantage of the latest developments in accessibility and digital assessment innovation.

The “DOE-toets” assessment delivery is managed and hosted by Trifork in the Trifork assessment cloud and will be used yearly for future “DOE-toets” assessments.

Notable Statistics

  • Annual “DOE-toets” assessments: roughly 5,000 “DOE-toets” assessments are conducted using the Trifork assessment cloud between January and February each year.
  • The Trifork assessment cloud conducts over 3,000,000 high-stakes assessments yearly with a diversity of customers.
  • Implementation Timeline: The development process took 6 months in the second half of 2023. In February 2024 the “DOE-toets” assessments were executed for the first time.

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