Prepare for the Storm and be saved by Puppet!

by Daphne KeislairFebruary 28, 2013


After a highly successful edition of the GOTO Night in December with Timan Rebel and Erik Meijer, we are happy to announce the next GOTO Night that will take place on March 7 2013.

This time at the Trifork office in Amsterdam on March 7 we have two great technical presentations lined up:

  1. Within the eye of the Storm (Introduction to Storm framework) // Sjoerd Mulder from Persuasion API
  2. Using Puppet, Foreman and Git to Develop and Operate a Large Scale Internet Service (in this case eBuddy) // by Joost van de Wijgerd from eBuddy

Here is just a little taster of what what they said their presentations will cover:

Sjoerd: “Curious about the Storm Framework? Storm is a distributed real-time computation system. It’s new and exciting and you might have heard about it and have some questions about it. How does it work? What are its use-cases? How do I get started? What are the differences with Hadoop? How can I run it in production? How do I connect it with product XYZ?”. This is what I will cover and show you how you can get started with Storm, including some live coding, and I’ll even cover how you can use Storm in production”. Read more about Sjoerd & his session in detail and sign up now.

Joost: At eBuddy we are implementing DevOps and in this talk I would like to introduce our current setup. We use Foreman in combination with Puppet and a Custom Git based Configuration Management solution to manage our Infrastructure and the Services running on top of it. My talk will be centered around Foreman and Puppet and I will show how we use these tools to do deployments, scale out our clusters and configure new machines on the fly. Read more about Joost & his session in detail and sign up now.

Just before we dive into the beers, Dan Roden, our special guest from the Program Committee for GOTO Amsterdam, will present a short teaser for his sessions & track Emerging Interfaces at the GOTO Amsterdam event.

So sign up and join us on March 7 at 18.00 for great talks, free beers & pizza at Trifork.


We are already proud to have some great sponsors onboard, including 42, Appdynamics, Basho, Hippo, Neo4J & Zilverline to name a few, if you are interested contact me, Daphne Keislair or visit the event website.